Mujeres Jefas de Hogar (Women head of household)

The programme aims to contribute to the labour inclusion of women, delivering tools to overcome the main access barriers to get in the labout market. Thus, the programme offers and articulates different services to the participants, such as: labour training, vocational training (between 80 and 300 hours), labour intermediation, entrepreneurship support, studies leveling, access to care services and dental health.

Mujeres Ahorradoras en Acción (Women Savers in Action)

This is a comprehensive intervention that seeks to promote socio-entrepreneurial strengthening processes for women in situations of social vulnerability, generating a culture of savings and empowerment through gender awareness, financial education, the installation of entrepreneurial skills, formal linkage to microfinance services and the application of a savings incentive to generate resources to strengthen their productive enterprises.

Empléate (Get employed)

EMPLEATE has the objective to promote the access for youths in situation of vulnerability to decent work. It is an public-private iniciative of employment generation.

Programa de Apoyo Temporal al Ingreso, PATI (Temporary Income Support Program) - Complementary Programme to the Comunidades Solidarias Programme

The PATI programme provided individual financial support during the six months of the community project and a strengthening of employability by means of vocational training for each participant through a vocational training course lasting approximately 80 hours.

Beca Primer Empleo (First Job Grant)

This programme aimed at promoting the inclusion into the formal labour market of adolescents and young people between 16 and 25 years old of urban and rural areas, in situations of poverty, extreme poverty and unemployment, through temporary employment as apprentices.

My Craftspersons Grant

The objective of the programme was to strengthen and develop people's skills through training in handcrafted products in order to improve their family income.

Con Chamba Vivís Mejor (With Work You Live Better)

The main objective of the programme is to generate employment, by promoting labour competencies and developing skills within the companies.

Formación profesional para jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión social, PROJOVEN (Vocational training for young people at risk of exclusion)

PROJOVEN works in the integral training to facilitate the labour insertion, the self-employment and the generation of income. PROJOVEN's goal is to improve the quality and coverage of the Popular Workshops (training modality of the National Institute of Vocational Training (INFOP) and adapt the training to the demand of dynamic sectors such as the construction and tourism through Specialized Training Centers. In both modalities, PROJOVEN promotes social cohesion, peacebuilding and violence prevention.